A proud mama of two beautiful children~ Melody So Yixuan, aged 5.5yrs, and Colin So Yi Chern, aged 4yrs :)
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
I'm quite amazed to see her draw such a tiny circle nicely. Her control of her wrist is getting better. Time to start teaching her how to hold the pen properly :)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A lion is not scary...I am!
A lion with no hands and legs...and a crooked smile...not scary...*BITE!*
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I wish I can capture more of the funny things that she says now. Kids do say the darnest things.
I did something new today, hooray horray hooray

I know I look sulky (Mama So finds this look irresistably adorable) but I actually did a lot of new things today...(p/s notice the saliva stains on grandma'a shoulder)

...sitting on the high chair (no I can't really sit without support yet)...

...learning how to walk... I can lock my knees and stand really straight!
And taking out jiejie's old toy to bite, I mean play...
Grandma always make me do a lot of fun things :):):)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
My little pianist
I pasted CDEFGABC on the piano keys to help her identify the middle C. A friend who's a professional musician once adviced me to have her learn piano for theory and stuff at 4 years old before letting her take up a Chinese Orchestra instrument at around 6 years old. (Probably erhu, pipa, or yangqin. Erhu for Chern maybe. Why not teach her dizi myself? Too noisy! Hahahaha :P )
Going outdoors...

VERY VERY VERY HOT. Started out happy, ended up spanking and crying. I thought she started her "terrible twos" half a year ago, but it's getting worse. She throws the things that she doesn't want and will demand (i.e. scream and cry) to eat something that has fallen to the ground. Doesn't help that didi is starting to be curious and touches everything, therefore intruding into jiejie's territory and resulting in her screaming "Ah didi don't touch jiejie book! Mommy you see didi! Naughty boy! Ahhhhhhhhh~~~~~~~!!!!!"