Saturday, February 2, 2008

Flip flip

I brought Xuanxuan to Clark Quay today for a dinner gathering with my secondary school friends. She doesn't have the chance to sit on the MRT a lot so I try to grab opportunities. I brought a flip book, a bear shaped queeze toy and a rattle with me onto the train cos the last time she felt so claustrophobic (the train was filled) the last time that she wouldn't stop crying.
I opened the book the moment we sat down, and demonstarted patiently how each flap works. To my surprise, she started repeating my actions and fliped open the flaps exacly the way they were meant to be opened! :D:D
She smiled at everyone beside her, including passers-by as we walked down the interchange linkway, and invited smiles everywhere :):) Though she protested a little when my friends tried to carry her, but I think she is definitely more sociable now :):)

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