Friday, December 25, 2009

Funny faces

My babies, the tv watchers.
This is called 三缄其口, say no evil...
She can sing the entire Majula Singapura! Pronunciation is quite off though, which makes it hilarious. Don't dare to post it here wait we get sued for mocking the national anthem...:P:P
Xuan has successfully weaned off her second bottle of milk before she sleeps. It took a whole week of screaming and crying for at least an hour and sometimes during her midnight feed too. Made us feel like we're torturing our kid...don't want to give her milk...but now that she's ok with it, she's starting to take milk in the cup and go to the loo while she roll here and there for abt 45min. Such a struggle to make a toddler sleep...but she's well on her way to be totally weaned off diapers! :):)

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