Sunday, September 14, 2008

Perserverance (for both toddler and mother)

Xuan is learning how to put on her slippers. She couldn't get it on so she gets frustrated and says 鞋!鞋!It's easy when she wants to take them off, she just go 踢踢踢 and they're out. With her sandles it's a bit more tricky. She first learnt to "tear off" the velcro strip, then 踢踢踢 the shoes out, but now I teach her to push off the shoe from the the back of her foot. She's learning to feel her way out of the sleeve hole when we put on her shirt, and to pull the shirt off when we bathe her too. Requires a lot of patience, think we've been doing this for about a month already! But great achievement, I'd say!

The only difficult part is getting her to put her shoes back on the rack after she kicked them off. She used to happily put them neatly on the rack. Now whenever I say 放回去 she would purposely run off. Well I have a lot of time to spare, so I leave the shoes where they are and ask nicely the next time she passes by the shoes. Usually after a few rounds of pressing she'd put them back. Hope this cultivates some good habits in her.

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