She's reading the book off memory, she can't read the words yet. Papa So read it so many times to her that she memorized it. We borrowed baby books that are rather repetitive so that it's easy for her to catch on. The library doesn't have a lot of Chinese books but we take whatever that they have. Parents, it's really not that hard to teach Chinese to your kids.
On the other hand, I bought a whole book shelf of Barney story books and encyclopedia that my mom bought for me when I was young (!), and she doesn't seem to be very patient with me reading English books to her. Hmmmm. Other than the fact that he can't move at all, Colin is more patient with me :P I read the entire pamphlet on allergy and pneumococcal bacteria to him at the clinic the other day. I once read a car magazine to Xuan while waiting at some other clinic when she was younger... Her teacher at childcare mentioned that she seem to have lost a little interest when they sing recently cos she's already learnt everything. That's going to be a problem too...