Wednesday, February 4, 2009


We were quite proud to tell people that Xuan didn't use a pacifier, and didn't plan to buy one for Chern too, but he is sucking his knuckle so much that nasty rashes has surfaced on both his hands :(:(

Teachers at infant care tell me that he sucks his knuckles when he is drifting off to sleep, and will "spit out" his hand when he does fall asleep. So, to protect my little boy's delicate skin...

Xuan was very against it at first - "弟弟不可以吃奶嘴!" Now I only give him his pacifier when he is sleepy and "looking for" his fist to suck. He does spit the pacifier out after he falls asleep. Hopefully the teachers at infant care don't let him suck the pacifier all the time to quieten him.

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