Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I bought this toy from Taiwan when she was only 8mths old, knowing one day, she'll grow into it :):)

Straw time


Monday, June 29, 2009

Dong dong qiang

We had dinner at Swenson's tonight, and she spilled the orange juice all over her seat. We had no emergency pants, so luckily mama was wearing an extra jacket for her to put on :):)

We went to look at the fish tank at Pioneer Wharf, and I told her the fish are for eating, so she said, “大鱼很可怜,爸爸抱”So sweet!

Saturday, June 27, 2009



Wednesday, June 24, 2009


She looks really serious when she does this in the car :D:D

We were singing "if you're happy and u know it shout hurray, hurray!" that day and I decided to sing "If you're happy and you know it say woh-woh". She caught on and so she changed the lyrics to "If you're happy and you know it say MRT!" "Lion!" "Rabbit!" :):) It was so fun :):)

Elmo song

Xuan is obsessed with Youtube recently, some of her favourite videos being Elmo song, Feist sings 1,2,3,4, Elmo's Ducks, Elephant song, and some other Super Simple Songs. It started when my mom showed her this Mom's Song video, and now she's starting to watch youtbe every night. And didi likes it too :):)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Little Explorer

Now that didi is moving around, he's exploring everything, to jiejie's dismay, cos she's not at the age to share anything yet, like her toy stove...

or the toy car parked at the corner under the table...

or her books...which really upsets her cos reading time is supposed to be mummy time too

though she doesn't mind him playing with her toy phone or stacking cups...

"Huh? What did I do?"

"I just drink my milk...

eat my flash cards...

and climb into this super big tent (i.e. play gym)!"

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Didi crawls really loudly... :):)

I left him at the living room that day and went to the toilet. After a while he crawled to our room to find me, and then to the toilet to bang at the door. Just like jiejie used to! :D:D:D

Friday, June 19, 2009

Jay Chou wannabe

Yo yo yo yo

Don't disturb me...

Cool "guy" Melody goes to the zoo~ It was a happy trip this time cos we went straight to the children's playground, stopping along the way to look at the African animals and the Fragile Forest. She "took a bath" at the water playground, hence was all fresh from the heat! We left at around 11+ and had lunch back home in an air con food court, so everyone was happy :)
Didi went to mama's girlie gathering and let everyone carry him, giving mama a break to sing karaokay and play Wii! What a perfect day~~

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Stand up for the champions

My brave little one is pulling himself to stand up :) Even though he can't even crawl properly yet. But he's reached that stage where you leave him on the matress and when you turn around, he's not there anymore, trying to stumble somewhere else.

He's starting to hold his bottle by himself, shakily :) And he's starting to clap too. He was sitting there yesterday, looked at one hand, looked at the other, than put both together and clapped a bit :):)

And he knocked my jelly out of my hand cos he tried to grab the plastic bag, naughty little curious boy :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Behold, the Kodomo Cooling Adhesive! Trusted and preferred brand of the So babies! (didi seem to have more forehead space to spare...shouldn't have cut it into half) Used by adults too~

Melody (6months)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Learning how to eat


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sit up

Proud of my brave little one~~ :):)

Active lifestyle

Primates have a tendency to climb, so does my little girl. She sits on our legs to watch tv and literally climb all over grandma esp during meals.

My swimming babies! Xuan used to fit into the black one. It fits did perfectly for his first swim!
He sulked and lazed in the huge float throughout the "swim". And ended up sick the next day :(

I'm lovin' my balloon!

And I can almost stand up!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Reach for the stars

And papa's favourite...the butt push.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

No you, mine!

Evidence of Xuan's tyrany...

Poor didi so defenceless and innocent...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

Days of our lives

Borrowed from the neighbour! The "car" is parked outside their door and xuan goes "那是人家的" every time we walk by, but they lent it to us :):)

That day she hugged her Pooh Bear to her chest and froze, looking serious. I asked her, what are u doing? She answered, Pooh Bear 在喝我的奶!She is imitating me nurse didi!

She has also caught on "XX 在买东西吃" from us. That day she saw a stain on my mom, and said "外婆衣服脏了,萱萱买新的给你!" When I told her didi keep pulling my hair out, she also offered "萱萱买新的给你" So sweet. The way she calls "外婆~~~" recently with a broad smile and climbing all over my mom is quite heart melting. No wonder they say little girls can manipulate adults.

She doesn't like to kiss Papa So when he doesn't shave. She'd say "爸爸胡子刺刺的". That day we wanted to kiss her goodbye at the childcare, she pulled back and looked very carefully at papa's chin and said "爸爸没有胡子刺刺的可以kiss!". She told yeye to "刮胡子" today cos his chin was too prickly to kiss too! :):)

"Jiejie playing in the background...I can't play but I can watch :) When I grow bigger I will be strong enough to snatch it away from her while she screams the block down, and mama will be hiding somewhere inside the house."

Learning how to sit...He can pull himself to a sitting position now!

Eating Baby Bites (carrot flavour). His appetite seems to be quite big. Will be starting on porridege soon at infant care!

*melts mama's heart* Is it a mother and son thing? Babies are sooooo adorable~ With their Michellin(?) Man short arms and legs, plump cheeks and innocent eyes~~
I scolded him and slapped his thigh for biting me/pulling my hair that day, and his face turned from shock to mouth curved downwards in a second and was all ready to cry when I quickly hugged him close. Like that also cry! But his expression change was sooooooo cute.