She has also caught on "XX 在买东西吃" from us. That day she saw a stain on my mom, and said "外婆衣服脏了,萱萱买新的给你!" When I told her didi keep pulling my hair out, she also offered "萱萱买新的给你" So sweet. The way she calls "外婆~~~" recently with a broad smile and climbing all over my mom is quite heart melting. No wonder they say little girls can manipulate adults.
She doesn't like to kiss Papa So when he doesn't shave. She'd say "爸爸胡子刺刺的". That day we wanted to kiss her goodbye at the childcare, she pulled back and looked very carefully at papa's chin and said "爸爸没有胡子刺刺的可以kiss!". She told yeye to "刮胡子" today cos his chin was too prickly to kiss too! :):)
"Jiejie playing in the background...I can't play but I can watch :) When I grow bigger I will be strong enough to snatch it away from her while she screams the block down, and mama will be hiding somewhere inside the house."

*melts mama's heart* Is it a mother and son thing? Babies are sooooo adorable~ With their Michellin(?) Man short arms and legs, plump cheeks and innocent eyes~~
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