Monday, August 24, 2009

Enrichment class

Yes, I'm one of those kiasu parents who send their kids to classes before they even start school. But come to think about it, I used to attend art class, swimming class, taekwondo, abacus, tuition and holiday short courses when I was in Primary school. I attended some super ex Maths enrichment class though I was scoring As already. I didn't feel stressed, I felt that my life was fun cos there were so many things to do. I learnt a lot too.

Kids are so full of energy, plus their attention span is so short. Attending classes is just a way to spend time other than reading/running around/playing toys/watching tv and playing computer at home. I think as long as they get to enjoy "home time" a few days a week, it's ok to go out and learn something, make some friends somewhere :P:P
So here's Xuan in new uniform!

I signed her up for the parent and child "reading" programme though she's stable enough to attend the individual class cos saturdays are meant for her to be with her mama and papa. We learnt the letter "C" and "D" with the interactive whiteboard, picture cards, and art and craft.

My greatest reward is being able to watch her apply glue on her paper work. She can paint quite well too, though not very evenly. She automatically started work when the teachers handed her the glue and paper. Guess she has done similar activity numerous times at childcare.
This is her 杰作!The broken duck head is the 杰作 of someone else. No prizes for the correct guess...

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