Monday, September 14, 2009

Random pictures from my phone

A moody princess

She does this when she doesn't want to talk to people or eat something

Asleep in her car seat on her way to school~ :)

Playing on the sand "hill" at the stadium

...and got chased off by the sports complex ppl after a while :P

Recently, whenever she spill water/egg yolk on the table/floor, she would ask for a piece of cloth “妈妈布给我", I would say, "请给我一块布",she would say "请给我一块布" and try to wipe the stuff herself (though it usually ends up getting messier). I would praise her for her initiative and help her with the cleaning up together :)

Didi shaved botak again! His childcare teacher saw him and went 阿弥陀佛~

奶奶asked xuan: "弟弟的头发好不好看?" Xuan said: “弟弟没有头发". Right on! :D:D

Splattering saliva...
at zehzeh. And she joins in the fun. Yucks!

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