Sunday, December 6, 2009


A perfect day! Everyone woke up early, Papa skipped his Stand Chart Marathon to go the zoo with us, the overcast threatened to rain the whole morning yet it didn't, so it was cool and shady!

We saw people on stilts as we were having breakfast! Didi can't be seen cos the guy's too tall...
White tigers pacing up and down, and there's one in the water pacing up and down too~

Giraffe 车!And zebra 车,老虎车 etc!

The elephants were on their royal parade, and xuan insisted that "大象姐姐有穿衣服,大象哥哥没有穿衣服”
The zoo keeper threw sugar canes at the orang utans and one raised its arms high like xuan!

Ah Meng memorial statue, but the kids look rather grouchy...
At the Kiddy World, we rested, ate some sinful frenchfries, and got ourselves wet at the water playground! Even didi had fun crawling in the water and getting drenched :) Xuan screamed when a pony tried to smell her, so she settled for a fake pony~

On the way back, we put our hands in the mouth of the crocodile~

Feeling the giant mangosteen~

Picked up an elephant mask at the counter! :P Fits her to a 'T'!

Our $18 family shot~

We saw many actions today at the zoo from the animal, even saw a giraffe pee right in front of us! I realize the best time to go to the zoo is really around 9-11.30am, cos after that the heat will make the animals drowsy, and make us grouchy

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