Saturday, November 13, 2010

Iron Man

It was a happy breakfast at McDonalds at Pioneer Mall on a Saturday morning...

Luuuurrrrvvee this picture :)

"I have big eyes too!"

Then when we were going to take the lift to the carpark, didi saw his favourite poster, chiong towards it and yelled "IRON MAN!"
Didi loves Iron Man. Every time we eat at Pioneer Mall (which is every week), he would run into the shop and grab the Iron Man DVD, repeating "There, Iron Man, there!" while Xuan points to every single cartoon CD that we have at home repeating "这个我们也有!"

The first time he "transformed" into Iron Man, he actually covered his face, touched his body and his feet, then held up his hand and went "biang!" Took me a while to realize he was "covering himself with the iron suit". Cute!

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