Monday, March 7, 2011

Old friends at My First Skool (Jurong West II)

MMI centre closure day. We went to Xuan and Chern's old school playground to wait for their classes to come out for outdoor time...

Ate a biscuit while waiting...

Though xuan has left for about a year, the kids still remember her! She became a celebrity of some sorts. Every one wanted to hold her hand!

Didi became popular too!

Even Papa So got popular! Hahahha! :D:D

It was a hot and fun morning. Both little ones had lunch then took a long nap. A day out can be that simple! :)


booboogal said...

haha i burst out laughing at the caption about Papa So!

xynn11 said...

yah it's also super funny at the actual scene :D:D