Saturday, April 2, 2011

Xuan's drawings

Xuan's been spending a lot of time at her drawing table recently. Here are some of her drawings:

A cat Boats! One of my favourite :)
Rabbits! 兔妈妈和小兔子。“小兔子乖乖,把门开开,快点开开,我要进来。”
A house. I swear I have never taught her to draw houses with roofs and windows like that. She asked me once, why doesn't our house have a roof? Is our roof on 9th storey?
Another house

A girl with a flower on her dress

Swimming pool! Another one of my favourite. Me, her and didi in the pool with our floats. The coloured circles at the bottom are our shoes.
A girl with many flowers on her dress
A couple with big smiling faces! And a tongue! :D

Rapunzel. Notice the looooooong hair?

A happy girl :) I like this too!

Her earlier works from last month, when she first started drawing a lot:

Me and xuan (I have dyed hair)

Xuan with a balloon
Didi with a balloon
Didi/papa sleeping on the bed
Xuan/me sleeping on the bed

It's amazing to see more and more details, and to see what she likes and wants. Love my girl! :):)

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