Saturday, June 25, 2011

Farm visit

The Sos joined the farm tour organised by the RC for young families and it was a great, sunny day! :)
We went to the Hay's Goat farm first, where the little ones saw live goats~

Didi doing his "iron man"

Trying to look for the billy goat

My babies

Yummy goat's milk!


Just melts my heart to see them so close :)

Billy goat!

Cheeky little boy

The young families of Pioneer!

Next we went to the Frog's farm. Everyone sort of freaked out when the frog princess held up two bull frogs...


Poor frog...getting squeezed like that

The frog pool
We went to Bollywood for lunch, where we had a tour around the farm first.

A swordbean, I think~

During lunch many of the younger babies fell asleep. After lunch we visit a fish farm where we tried "longkang fishing" for the first time.

Yayy we caught many fish!

Giant fish in the fish tank

Many many turtles

We fed the koi too

It was an enjoyable day. Although didi fell hard and had a bad cut on his lip, we still had a good time overall. We should join RC activities more often!

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