Saturday, August 13, 2011


We're going to the zoo today!

Didi would look quite cool with the cap if he wasn't sitting in the baby pram~

Examining the crocodile's huge mouth

Looking at the deers from the top of a big rock...



Up close!
A beautiful spider web with flamingoes behind

A giraffe drinking water

A very active turtle!

Mama So loves the look on didi's face :)

The komodo dragon

Huge bronze turtle. One patting it, the other stepping on it


我要拿给爸爸坐的(cos zeh zeh and mama are both sitting on a zebra chair and he wants to sit on the same "animal" as papa)

Afraid to get his pants wet, haha :)

Wet and wild!

Little dolphin!

Fav pic of the day :)

Two cool dudes driving the car

Another wonderful day at the zoo! :)

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