Sunday, November 20, 2011

MMI End of Year Concert!

Mama putting on make up for the children...the instruction was: golden eye shadow, foundation and lip gloss

Xuan's turn

Done! Isn't she gorgeous?

Didi looks good too! ;)

Dressing them up

Done! They're dancing a Fillapino dance

Didi refused to stand properly for a shot 

But when it comes to milo...

Xuan: I want too!

Setting off! Still not posing properly...

By the time we reached NTUC auditorium, didi was alseep... 

Xuan was led up to the stage by the teachers. I like the Vietnamese costume!

It was a stormy afternoon... 

Sooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!

Little girl spotted in the front row, 4th from right. Didi is facing her from the back row

Didi is always half a beat slower, so he is always facing the wrong side from everyone else. Mama So spent half their item laughing and the other half trying to get some pics and videos so ended up didn't really watch anything at all :P Guess I have to wait for the school video!

The K1s from MMI Jurong Extension

K2s from Jurong West Extension. There's this boy with an ah beng look that I'm totally a fan of. So sad that he is graduating :{

My fav costume: Taiwanese

Finale was spectacular with the blinds going up and the whole CBD view behind!

Concert was over and children were dismissed batch by batch

Beautiful little girl

Still cannot get a good photo of my handsome little boy

Nice costumes that cost us $60 each!

Thank you teachers from MMI for putting up such a good show! The kids had fun and were wonderful! Overall I think it's a great experience for the kids, building up their self confidence and stage presence!

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