Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Xuan rides a horse!

No matter how many times we've been to the zoo, we somehow manage to find something new :)

Those beautiful big eyes...hidden behind the glasses... :(

We saw HUGE manatees...

and the beautiful Chinese New Year decorations

But little boy has to sulk

Pictures taken by Xuan:

We saw the Children's Pet Show, again, and played with bubbles after it ended

Topless little boy spotted!!! (cos he doesn't want to wet his Transformer t-shirt...)


SPLASH!!! (吓死我了一大跳……)

Wheee! Now she's officially drenched.

Children's world is fun! :)

We had our KFC "lunch" after that. Didi with his trademark frown...

Xuan asked to to ride on the horse then and I thought, why not? 
Xuan proudly queueing with her ticket

Xuan rides a horse! :D

We went to the Fragile Forest next and came upclose to some huge bats...

Another wonderful day at the zoo~

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