Friday, July 11, 2008


Reading has become such a big part of our everyday routine. Though she doesn't concentrate on the words, she would try to identify names of pictures that she knows. We have a stack of Chinese and English books that we keep underneath the table, and she knows it. Evernight, we spend about half an hour I think on flipping through all the books. She started with saying "nah nah" and reaching out towards the table to signal that she wants a book, but now I would ask her "你要什么?”(What do you want?) and she would answer“书”(book). Sometimes, I say “你自己拿”(take out a book yourself) and she would crawl over to take a book out.

I think we have about 15 books under the table but recently she chooses only the book she wants to read. If she sees a book that she doesn't want she would ask for another one. The teachers at the infant care also commented that she can concentrate quite well on books :):)

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