Thursday, January 10, 2008

Clap clap!

Melody has started clapping! :D:D Out of the blue, suddenly, she started clapping. Maybe they taught her that at infant care. Maybe she imitates other babies at infant care. All the same, it's a joy to watch her clap :):):) She will start clapping when her hands happen to find each other, even if she was whining just a second ago, and she will start to grin cos I think she's happy to be able to clap :):)
She has been slapping other stuff before this- mama and daddy at first, then the high chair table, the wall, and the 'mirror' in the lift. She loves it. Everytime we go into the lift, she'll be slapping the mirror and laughing to her mirror image.

It's hard to get a video though, cos by the time I get my camera, she'll be concentrating on the camera pouch and attempting to grab it instead of clapping :S

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