Sunday, January 27, 2008

Potty training

Trips to her grandma house is always fulfilling and enriching. It was my mom who first started feeding her semi-solids (egg yolk), cup drinking, and introduced her to the potty.

Potty trainings are never easy. My mom started when Xuanxuan was about 8months by taking her Huggies off and forced her to sit on the potty, and then, of course, the whistle. So happy to see the pee! :D:D And then, every 45min or so, my mom would take her shorts off and whistle her to pee. Every Saturday, at my mom's place, she would do that. I don't really bother at home. Too tired to deal with the pee that comes uninvited when Xuanxuan is not on her potty :P:P These few weeks, Xuanxuan has been peeing on her shorts every 20min or so. It gets kinda frustrating to not be able to 'catch her in the act' in time, but my mom is patient enough to clean up after her. For me I'm just hoping that somehow, miraculously, Xuanxuan learns to hold her pee until I put her on her potty :P:P

My sis is more successful in getting Xiangxiang to poo in the toilet bowl and pee in the basin. Somehow his timing is more predictable so by and by he knows that at around a certain time the adults will be bringing him to somewhere to pee/poo so he can hold it til then.

Today Xuanxuan made her first poo in the potty. You know how adults always bring newspaper to the toilet with them? Well a little toy helps to keep her seated there too :D:D

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