Wednesday, November 12, 2008

3 sneezes and a little exercise

Infants are a little boring cos they just sleep and wake up to feed, but they feed enough times to keep you far from bored. Little Colin is now awake for almost the entire morning, and in the afternoon he naps at most for 2 hours, which means that I'm almost back to the times where I can be home the whole day but accomplishes nothing except for changing his diapers, nursing him and cuddling him to sleep.

But since he's more alert now, I can start reading to him, and do stretching exercises for him (I wouldn't be doing like how I did in this clip cos I'd have both my hands). Stretching helps him develop his muscles cos he's bedriddren all the time, poor thing! Massaging or just stroking his arms and legs makes him feel secure cos the sense of touch is very important at this stage. It also keeps me at a visible range to him, since he can only see things up to abt 25cm away.

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