Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Piggies go to bed

I was playing with the hand puppets when I happened to re-create a familiar scenario to xuan--an "adult" carrying a baby. She stared for a loooonnggg time (the whole event took more than half an hour. I was surprised she stayed so focused on the piggies for long!) and then started calling piglet the hand puppet 小猪爸爸 and wanted to put piglet the doll to bed. She offered her 抱枕 to piglet and wanted me to take them to the bedroom to put piggies onto the pillows. "小猪睡觉,小猪sleeping/sleepy"

Then she started saying "chain, chain" (change), "chain shirt (change shirt)", "chain trousers (change trousers)", "chain bao1bao1 (change diapers)" and I realize she is serious about putting piglet to bed, complete with her whole usual routine of changing into her pajamas, so cute! I was very touched at how she tried to act as the care giver. She actually gave her seat to the piggies and she herself sit on the chair she usually make me sit on!


She's starting to imitate us and play make believe, and some of her habits would have been established by now. I believe strongly in creating a condusive learning environment at home and 言教不如身教. Being a role model and living a healthy life style (walking your talk!) is actually the easist way to teach kids good habits without having to teach them.

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