Monday, November 17, 2008


She can actually sing the whole Chinese version, in rather clear enunciation too! Not so much for the English version cos she just goes "Tinkle tinkle titer TAAARRR, ow mnrrulnder... AARRR, up bove mmllddwwrr... AAAIIII, dimond in llrrddmwe... KAAAIIII, tinkle tinkle titer TAAARRR, nbkjkjl.... AAARRRRR". With much emphasis on the last word. Still a little incomprehensible at the moment. But I just love her sweet voice! :)

It's harder to capture moments of her now cos (1)I am busier with baby no. 2, (2)she moves very fast, (3) she will stop whatever she's doing and try to grab the camera.

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