Saturday, January 31, 2009

Botanical Gardens

It was a fine morning and a good day to go to the Botanical Gardens. A couple of bird watchers had their super big and pro cameras all set up, lenses pointing up at a tree and about to shoot some amazing photos when the following happened:

All the birds flew away. The bird-lovers could only look dejectedly at one another, and carried their heavy cameras to another spot. Sorry guys!

Scene 2: A Causasian couple was enjoying the serenity, reading their papers when a hurried "SQUEAK SQUEAK SQUEAK!" startled them.

Looking up, they commented, "What a good way to track an active child!" Haha, Mama So had intended to buy a pair of silent shoes but there were too many people at Bata that day, plus Xuan was rather grouchy that day to choose properly.

We went on to feed the fish. Xuan is very generous with her fish food (bread), sometimes tearing too big a piece for the fish to swallow. And we saw a HUGE soft shell turtle! (鳖bie1)
On to the grass patch...and run like the wind!
Another happy day at the Botanical Gardens!

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