Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Little boy is chuckling and coo-ing and charming all the ladies. Whenever I carry him on my shoulders, he attracts the attention of people behind me with his bobbing head and I hear a lot of "So cute!" and "How old is he?" when I do turn around. He's going to be a heart breaker when he grows up! :P

The fact that didi is here to steal attention away is setting into Melody. Being sick recently, she is really whining for me everyday and refusing everyone else :(

Her toilet training is going well, she accepts her "little potty cover" on our toilet bowl happily and always claps after she finishes her business. She has her own fashion sense now and we let her exercise her "independence" by offering her choices ("Which pants do u want to wear? A or B?"). She sang "Rain, rain, all the way (yes she sings it that way), come again another day, little Melody/Mummy wants to play guitar" when we were playing last night. I'm amazed that she is grasping her grammar [动]+[名] subconsciously and forming phrases correctly. She has other "funny" sentences though, like “妈妈坐椅子这个”. I should really make a conscious effort to capture the way her speech is evolving.

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