Friday, January 2, 2009

West Coast Park and sing-alongs

Our first family trip to WestCoast Park! :D But see what happened?

Heavy down pour!!! :(:( So Xuan enertained us all by singing her made up songs and Baby Chern did what he does best:

On the way to West Coast Park she sang “客人来,看爸爸”,then started singing "客人来,看妈妈/萱萱”and when she got to “客人来,看弟弟”, she changed the lyrics from "弟弟不在家”to “弟弟睡觉……”but there's one more note and she doesn't know what to sing to that, so she looked at mem trailing off, so I helped her “弟弟睡觉啦。我请客人先坐下,再敬一杯茶”I'm impressed by how she knew which words to substitude. Reminds me of how I sang ”爸爸/妈妈/五姨听我说,我不是一个坏女孩”when I was...4?

On the way home she continued her singing mood:

It used to be "Row, row, row your boat, ti ti ti ti treeeeaam" so she's made a great improvement :D

And this is a song that I will listen to every year :):)

And it was a happy day :)

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