Sunday, March 21, 2010

Neighbour Sharon zehzeh

This is the first time I see xuan being so sociable! Even with her cousins or children of my friends, I've never seen her warm up to another child so quickly before.

As we came home from grandma's place, I saw the girl standing outside her house, so I suggested playing bubbles, hoping that she'd join us. As usual, didi welcomed her first. Then when they got bored of bubbles, I asked didi to take out his ball, and xuan took out one of her own too, and they started playing just like that!

So no one played ball with didi in the end...poor thing

They made faces

and started all the huggy-feely

xuan started holding her hand. So sweet!


*quote from one of his fav book 《我会做家务》*

Luckily they started to play with the spray bottle, and didi could participate again.

Didi kept spraying himself, and cos he was touching the floor before, his face turned black when he wiped his face. Yikes! Had to go bathe and miss the fun. The two zehzehs (cos xuan refuses to be a meimei) started spraying the wall and cleaning it with their palms. I commented that the wall is dirty, but actually, they proved with their clean palms that, the wall is clean! :S I asked them to spray their hands after touching the wall, so they started cleaning parts of the wall and then spraying their hands, like it's a game.

Didi wanted so much to join in the fun that he ran out naked, though he already do that all the time :P

So we invited Sharon into the house and the girls started playing with xuan's new "mushroom house" (will upload photos later) while didi read his own books. Xuan didn't even play or share her toys with Hanmin, the boy staying just next door the last time he came over. The little session ended when Sharon had to go back home for supper.

It was so entertaining, just sitting there and watching the girls and boy running up and down for nothing. When I was with the toddlers class in a childcare centre 2 mths ago, kids would start chasing me if I start to run. Anywhere! Such simple fun, such innocent joy. Had a sudden urge to have another girl, but controlled the thought with "She can always play with Sharon now if she needs a girlfriend" :P

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