Thursday, October 30, 2008

He's my brother

Xuan suddenly found her little brother's gloves very interesting and wanted to wear them. She's been more or less ignoring him since he came home but today she did something sweet :) She wanted to see Chen chen sleeping on the cot and I let her sit on my lap, and she sayang-ed his head.

Right after this she turned and smiled at the camera saying "(弟弟是) 萱萱的" but Mama So stopped the camera too fast :(

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Xuan likes to eat corn and raisins recently, and she can concentrate on picking the little bits for ten minutes. Usually she doesn't want to share her tibits with other people but she can be generous once in a while when she's in the mood :) By the way we think her "偶必要(我不要)" has a bit of Taiwanese slang hahaha!


I was nursing Colin yesterday and Xuan wanted to climb onto me, but I said no, and she got upset, and continued to cling onto my back though Papa and grandma kept coaxing her to get off. Finally Papa and Mama got angry and said her name very loudly, which scared her a bit, and she finally allowed grandma to carry her away while crying. After I was done I carried her onto my lap and told her that I still love her but she must wait beside me the next time. Later on that night she suddenly came to me and kissed me on the lips, then papa, then grandma. She's usually not this affectionate.

She's just so full of surprises now :):)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sing and dance

Papa So has taught xuanxuan how to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"!

We have a nursery chart on the door and xuan points to which ever she wants to hear, and Mama So is supposed to sing it for her. She started to identify certain songs with certain words, so even when we are not at the chart, she would say "diddle diddle" and I have to sing "Hey diddle diddle" for her. "Titter star" is "Twinkle twinkle little star", "ding dong" is "Ding Dong Bell" and "Humpty" is "Humpty Dumpty". She has other charts like "Fruits and Vegetable", "Courtesy" and "Safety", which she enjoys pointing and identifying objects. Seeing that she responds better to chart than flip books, I bought some Chinese word charts, shape chart and more Nursery Rhyme charts to pin up around the house. Now she knows "mice" is "Three Blind Mice", "Rock" is "Rock-a-bye baby", "teapot" is "I'm a little Teapot", "Baba" is "Baa Baa Black Sheep", and these are her favourites :):)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hello Little Colin!!

Little Colin So Yi Chern sees his first daylight on 24 Oct 2008! :D:D

He was supposed to arrive only on 10Nov but decided to pop by early when Mama So's water bag burst on 24 Oct morning. After a loooonnnggg wait (10hrs in the delivery suite! But contractions only started to become painful at around noon, which was 5hrs later, and I administered epidural another hour later :P), our little boy is born!

He looks like Melody to me :)

Colin (just born)
Melody (just born)

And this is a slide show done by Kelvin to commemorate the birth of our little prince: Kenneth Xinhuan Colin

Colin's first night at home was unsettling...and kept everyone awake the whole night. Xuan slept in her own room with Papa So. We're just concerned that she gets undisturbed sleep.

Seeing little boy reminds me greatly of xuan when she was still so tiny... :) I am more confident this time, more calm, more composed. Muakks to my two beautiful children :):)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Photo shoot

A preview of the many many sweet photos we took with Kelvin J. Lim, photographer of Avenue 8. Mummy So wants to remember her big tummy, and thought that doing this shoot with my darling daughter would be memorable :):)

Monday, October 13, 2008

My amazing little girl

Xuan is starting to show some of her "terrible 2" symptoms. Being tempremental, insisting on small things like "mama sit", being cheeky about almost everything, like getting up from bed, and taking off her shoes.

Yesterday Papa So and I left her at my mom's after lunch and according to my mom, xuan continuously called out "mama, papa" as she looked at the closed door dejectedly. Ohhhhhhh :( When we came back, she clung onto me for half an hour and I felt very bad for leaving her.
Then during dinner xuan started distributing the toy golf sticks to me, my mom and herself. Xiangxiang looked on and wanted one too. I gave him mine and xuan stared. She started following xiang around saying "mama 的". (Yes! she can point to people's stuff and identify whose is that now) and I said, it's ok, I can lend it to him and u can lend your toys to others too.

At night the most amazing thing happened. She tugged at her shorts and then gave me an anxious look. She said something and started pulling my hand, so I brought her to the toilet and she peed! :D:D She is so ready to be toilet trained! :D:D

Monday, October 6, 2008


Anticipation of a line in a nursery rhyme. More importantly, irresistably cute "meowing"! :):):)

She is starting to string words together, like "奶奶家,爷爷家,爸爸家,妈妈家”,“Hi爷爷/bye爷爷”, "Bird, fly!",“爱萱萱”(Funny, cos I'm trying to teach her 爱妈妈, but maybe she loves herself more hahha)


Few nights ago, Papa So, Mama So and Melody were sitting on the bed. Somehow our little one didn't like it that Mama and Papa are sitting so close together, so she nudged her way in between us, saying "I sit, I sit!" We shifted a couple of times to "verify" that she is actually trying to "separate" us and true enough, even when she is sitting in between us, she will try to "untangle" our legs if Mama and Papa's legs were touching! :D:D

Sticker got stuck on my hand!

Xuan got herself busy transferring stickers from the table to the toy car...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Xuan in uniform!

Xuan has "graduated" from Infant to Toddler! She is now officially an NTUC childcare student! :D:D
Why not the Montessori (MMI) right beside our house, some might ask. (I'll probably wait til Little Colin "graduate" from infant group, then transfer both of them together or something) I have a friend asking me about Pat's Schoolhouse, another pondering over Nanyang Kindergarten. While I myself am very very very tempted to try out the branded pre-schools, I think good teachers play more important role than the school itself. There is also the travelling distance and financial constrain to factor in. Why stress ourselves out? Home education can make a big difference too. Kampung kids (i.e. myself :P ) can end up in branded schools as well. I think the society has yet to see the true impact of elitism amongst pre-schoolers.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Xuan at the playground

It's Children's Day and Melody had fun with her cousin Keagan at the playground! :):)

I know this looks a little scary, but I think she was actually saying "Happy!" when she slid down? She did get into a little accident on the slide too. A boy kicked her in the head while coming down and she's still at the bottom of the slide. Poor thing!

And finally, her favourite...climbing up and down the stairs! And unassisted too! :):) It puts my mind at ease cos I know that she won't fall off the stairs. She will either look for the railing or our hand for support if she can't manage the step. I also noticed that her right leg is the stronger leg.