Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sing and dance

Papa So has taught xuanxuan how to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"!

We have a nursery chart on the door and xuan points to which ever she wants to hear, and Mama So is supposed to sing it for her. She started to identify certain songs with certain words, so even when we are not at the chart, she would say "diddle diddle" and I have to sing "Hey diddle diddle" for her. "Titter star" is "Twinkle twinkle little star", "ding dong" is "Ding Dong Bell" and "Humpty" is "Humpty Dumpty". She has other charts like "Fruits and Vegetable", "Courtesy" and "Safety", which she enjoys pointing and identifying objects. Seeing that she responds better to chart than flip books, I bought some Chinese word charts, shape chart and more Nursery Rhyme charts to pin up around the house. Now she knows "mice" is "Three Blind Mice", "Rock" is "Rock-a-bye baby", "teapot" is "I'm a little Teapot", "Baba" is "Baa Baa Black Sheep", and these are her favourites :):)

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