He was supposed to arrive only on 10Nov but decided to pop by early when Mama So's water bag burst on 24 Oct morning. After a loooonnnggg wait (10hrs in the delivery suite! But contractions only started to become painful at around noon, which was 5hrs later, and I administered epidural another hour later :P), our little boy is born!
Colin (just born)

Melody (just born)
And this is a slide show done by Kelvin to commemorate the birth of our little prince: Kenneth Xinhuan Colin
Colin's first night at home was unsettling...and kept everyone awake the whole night. Xuan slept in her own room with Papa So. We're just concerned that she gets undisturbed sleep.
Colin's first night at home was unsettling...and kept everyone awake the whole night. Xuan slept in her own room with Papa So. We're just concerned that she gets undisturbed sleep.
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