Monday, October 13, 2008

My amazing little girl

Xuan is starting to show some of her "terrible 2" symptoms. Being tempremental, insisting on small things like "mama sit", being cheeky about almost everything, like getting up from bed, and taking off her shoes.

Yesterday Papa So and I left her at my mom's after lunch and according to my mom, xuan continuously called out "mama, papa" as she looked at the closed door dejectedly. Ohhhhhhh :( When we came back, she clung onto me for half an hour and I felt very bad for leaving her.
Then during dinner xuan started distributing the toy golf sticks to me, my mom and herself. Xiangxiang looked on and wanted one too. I gave him mine and xuan stared. She started following xiang around saying "mama 的". (Yes! she can point to people's stuff and identify whose is that now) and I said, it's ok, I can lend it to him and u can lend your toys to others too.

At night the most amazing thing happened. She tugged at her shorts and then gave me an anxious look. She said something and started pulling my hand, so I brought her to the toilet and she peed! :D:D She is so ready to be toilet trained! :D:D

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