Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Xuan likes to eat corn and raisins recently, and she can concentrate on picking the little bits for ten minutes. Usually she doesn't want to share her tibits with other people but she can be generous once in a while when she's in the mood :) By the way we think her "偶必要(我不要)" has a bit of Taiwanese slang hahaha!


I was nursing Colin yesterday and Xuan wanted to climb onto me, but I said no, and she got upset, and continued to cling onto my back though Papa and grandma kept coaxing her to get off. Finally Papa and Mama got angry and said her name very loudly, which scared her a bit, and she finally allowed grandma to carry her away while crying. After I was done I carried her onto my lap and told her that I still love her but she must wait beside me the next time. Later on that night she suddenly came to me and kissed me on the lips, then papa, then grandma. She's usually not this affectionate.

She's just so full of surprises now :):)

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